This week we're in Michigan, spending time with Sean's apple mentor, Matt Moser, and attempting to master a new grafting technique and tool. Sean is also busy pruning some of Matt's trees--and picking his brain on how to prepare for the installation of our production orchard. We're just two months away from planting 1000+ trees, and Sean is eager to do whatever he can in preparation.
During our trip to see Matt in 2017, we picked up 200+ trees that became our "front orchard," a mix of apple, peach, plum, apricot and cherry trees. These are just for fun, for us, and won't really be part of our production plan. But Matt's guidance has shaped the contents of our production orchard and influenced Sean's approach to planting and maintaining this plot.
We're fortunate to have his friendship and knowledge as we prepare to become caretakers of our own orchard. Not only is his input valuable, but Matt is a great representative of the type of people we encounter anytime we meet someone else in the industry.